
Artist: D.Shiva Prassd Reddy

Title: Yellow Boat

Medium: Acrylic on rolled canvas

Dimension: 24x36 inches 

Year: 2022


I'm SHIVA PRASAD REDDY, and I've always been fascinated with drawings and paintings since I was a child. This piqued my curiosity to experiment with various mediums such as pencils, watercolors, and acrylics. I appreciate art because it genuinely interests me and has brightened every minute of my life. My desire to learn painting compelled me to enroll in the Bachelor of Fine Arts program at the University. My thoughts led me to choose transparent watercolors and acrylics as my majors.

Over my professional career, I have built a solid foundation in expressing nature in my art. I go to places with natural reserves and historical significance. My art has reflected this as well.



