SHIP away

Artist: PV Hanumanthu

Title: SHIP away ( MV Maa Cargo Ship, Tenneti Park)

Medium: Oil Painting on stretched canvas

Size: 20 x 16 inches

Year: 2022

P V HANUMANTHU. He is exceptional for his sensible oil portray portraits or his artwork is exceptional for its delicate oil paintings depicting portraits.

I have never limited myself to one medium, style, or concept. Initially, I practiced with charcoal and graphite pencils and eventually switched to soft pastels and oils.

I work with oils, acrylics, watercolors, and soft pastels. My artworks do not focus on absolute perfection or realism but more on light, shadows, and their relative values ​​and perspectives of nature or subject. My goal is to express the liveliness and vibrancy in my art, like water, skin, reflections, eyes, and texture.

My favorite medium is oil paints, which allow me to mix any color with a limited number of colors.

Portraying a person means showing who that person is and giving an idea of ​​their personality or character.



